FictionEro - Affective Impact of Fiction

Data Preparation


options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(),
        brms.backend = "cmdstanr",
        width = 300)
dfsub <- read.csv("../data/data_participants.csv")
df <- read.csv("../data/data.csv") |> 
    select(dfsub, Participant, Sample, Language, Mobile, starts_with("Feedback_"), 
           BAIT_Visual, BAIT_Text, AI_Knowledge, SexualActivity, 
           GAAIS_Negative, GAAIS_Positive, Porn, COPS_Frequency_2,
    by = "Participant"
    ) |> 
  datawizard::rescale(select=c("Valence"), range=c(-1, 1), to=c(0, 1)) |> 
  mutate(Condition = fct_relevel(Condition, "Photograph", "AI-Generated"),
         Relevance =  fct_relevel(Relevance, "Relevant", "Irrelevant", "Non-erotic"),
         Sex =  fct_relevel(Sex, "Male", "Female"),
         PornFrequency = as.numeric(as.factor(COPS_Frequency_2)),
         SexualActivity_num = as.numeric(as.factor(SexualActivity)),
         ConditionBelief = case_when(
           Condition == "Photograph" & Realness > 0.5 ~ "True",
           Condition == "AI-Generated" & Realness < 0.5 ~ "True",
           .default = "False"
         )) |> 
  mutate(across(starts_with("Feedback_"), function(x) {fct_relevel(x, "False", "True")}))

results_table <- function(model, effects="fixed", filter=NULL) {
  if("marginaleffects" %in% class(model)) {
    model |> 
      parameters::parameters() |> |> 
      select(-Parameter, -SE, -S, z=Statistic, -Predicted) |> 
      insight::format_table() |> 
  } else {
    display(parameters::parameters(model, effects=effects, keep=filter))

Manipulation Check

This section is about selecting the best model and making a manipulation check to make sure that the emotional appraisal were sensitive to the main manipualtion (Neutral vs. Emotional).

The Arousal data is composed of a mixture of extreme responses (0 and 1) and non-extreme responses between 0 and 1, lending itself to ordered beta model (Kubinec, 2022), designed explicitly for bounded data such as survey slider scales. It is a more parsimonious evolution of the zero-and-one inflated beta (ZOIB) regression model (see this tutorial) that jointly models the probability of extreme responses, the probability of 1 vs. 0, and the mean and spread of the rest of the responses.

arousal <- df |> 
  mutate(Arousal_Extreme = ifelse(Arousal %in% c(0, 1), "Extreme", "Not extreme")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=Arousal, fill=Relevance)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(color=Arousal_Extreme), position = "identity", bins=80) +
  facet_grid(Relevance~Sex, scales="free_y") +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "white"), guide="none") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  scale_y_sqrt(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  labs(title = "Arousal") +
  theme_abyss() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold"))


# Get a sense of Random Factors
m1 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1|Participant) + (1|Item), data=df)
m2 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1+Relevance|Participant) + (1|Item), data=df)
m3 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1|Participant) + (1+Sex|Item), data=df)
m4 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1|Participant) + (1+Relevance|Item), data=df)
m5 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1|Participant) + (1+Sex / Relevance|Item), data=df)
m6 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1+Relevance|Participant) + (1+Sex|Item), data=df)
m7 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (1+Relevance|Participant) + (1+Relevance|Item), data=df)

  mutate(performance::icc(m1, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m1"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m1)$R2_conditional, Model = "m1"),
  mutate(performance::icc(m2, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m2"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m2)$R2_conditional, Model = "m2"),
  mutate(performance::icc(m3, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m3"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m3)$R2_conditional, Model = "m3"),
  mutate(performance::icc(m4, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m4"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m4)$R2_conditional, Model = "m4"),
  mutate(performance::icc(m5, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m5"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m5)$R2_conditional, Model = "m5"),
  mutate(performance::icc(m6, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m6"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m6)$R2_conditional, Model = "m6"),
  mutate(performance::icc(m7, by_group=TRUE), Model = "m7"),
  data.frame(Group = "Conditional R2", ICC = performance::r2(m7)$R2_conditional, Model = "m7")
) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = Model, y = ICC, color=Group)) +

test_bf(m6, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m7)
compare_performance(m2, m7)

# It seems like the full model, with the effect of relevance on participants and items, is the best.

This model evaluates the effects of Sex and Relevance on Arousal, accounting for random variability due to participants and items (i.e., random effects).

The analysis revealed that on average women rate relevant stimuli lower in arousal compared to men. Additionally, both genders tend to rate irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli lower in arousal then relevant stimuli, with males showing a stronger reduction for irrelevant stimuli and a comparable one for non-erotic stimuli. Furthermore, females rate irrelevant stimuli higher in arousal than males, whereas both genders rate non-erotic images similarly in terms of arousal.

There is notable variability in arousal ratings across participants, with a greater diversity in responses to irrelevant stimuli compared to relevant ones.There is a strong positive correlation between changes in arousal ratings for irrelevant stimuli and non-erotic stimuli. This suggests that participants who exhibit significant increases or decreases in arousal when exposed to irrelevant stimuli tend to exhibit similar changes when exposed to non-erotic stimuli, indicating consistent trends in arousal levels. There is significant variability in baseline arousal ratings across different items, indicating that different items elicit varying baseline levels of arousal.

m_a <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))
                      # control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optimizer=stats::optim, # nlminb, optim
                      #                                   optArgs = list(method = "BFGS"),  #Nelder-Mead, BFGS, CG
                      #                                   parallel = 8))
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.53 0.09 (0.36, 0.70) 6.18 < .001
Sex (Female) -1.22 0.13 (-1.47, -0.97) -9.63 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -3.62 0.13 (-3.88, -3.35) -26.80 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant -0.29 0.15 (-0.58, -5.00e-03) -1.99 0.046
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -3.66 0.13 (-3.91, -3.41) -28.66 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -2.28 0.14 (-2.56, -2.01) -16.34 < .001
estimate_relation(m_a) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=Relevance, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=CI_low, ymax=CI_high, color=Relevance), position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  labs(y="Arousal") +
  facet_wrap(~Sex) +

The same type of model seems warranted for enticement.

enticiment <- df |> 
  mutate(Enticement_Extreme = ifelse(Enticement %in% c(0, 1), "Extreme", "Not extreme")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=Enticement, fill=Relevance)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(color=Enticement_Extreme), position = "identity", bins=80) +
  facet_grid(Relevance~Sex, scales="free_y") +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "white"), guide="none") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  scale_y_sqrt(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  labs(title = "Enticement") +
  theme_abyss() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold"))


This model evaluates the effects of Sex and Relevance on Enticement ratings, accounting for random variability due to participants and items (i.e., random effects).

In general, women rate relevant images lower in enticement than males. Males rate irrelevant images significantly less enticing than relevant ones, while females do not show a significant difference in enticement ratings between irrelevant and relevant images. Both males and females rate non-erotic images as the least enticing, with a stronger effect for males.

Random effects show considerable participant-to-participant variation in baseline enticement ratings, especially for irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli, compared to relevant stimuli.Participants with higher initial ratings for relevant stimuli tend to show less change in ratings for irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli, though the effect size varies.A notable correlation exists between changes in enticement ratings for irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli, indicating consistent responsiveness across different stimulus types. Lastly, the analysis indicates that different items elicit varying baseline levels of enticement.

m_e <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Enticement ~ Sex / Relevance + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.79 0.08 (0.64, 0.94) 10.10 < .001
Sex (Female) -0.94 0.11 (-1.16, -0.72) -8.23 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -2.21 0.12 (-2.45, -1.97) -18.13 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.04 0.13 (-0.23, 0.30) 0.26 0.794
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -2.42 0.12 (-2.65, -2.19) -20.39 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -1.17 0.13 (-1.42, -0.92) -9.00 < .001
estimate_relation(m_e) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=Relevance, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=CI_low, ymax=CI_high, color=Relevance), position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  labs(y="Enticement") +
  facet_wrap(~Sex) +

The same type of model seems warranted for valence.

valence <- df |> 
  mutate(Valence_Extreme = ifelse(Valence %in% c(0, 1), "Extreme", "Not extreme")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=Valence, fill=Relevance)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(color=Valence_Extreme), position = "identity", bins=80) +
  facet_grid(Relevance~Sex, scales="free_y") +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "white"), guide="none") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  scale_y_sqrt(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  labs(title = "Valence") +
  theme_abyss() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold"))


This model is evaluating the effects of Sex and Relevance on Valence ratings, accounting for random variability due to participants and items (i.e., random effects).

The analysis reveals that women rate relevant stimuli significantly lower in valence compared to men. Male participants consistently rate relevant stimuli higher in valence compared to their ratings of irrelevant stimuli, while females do not show significant differences between these stimuli. Both genders rate non-erotic stimuli lower in valence than relevant stimuli and higher than irrelevant ones, with males showing a more pronounced difference.

Participants show diverse baseline valence ratings, especially for irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli, with greater variability observed compared to relevant stimuli. Participants who rate relevant stimuli higher in valence exhibit less change in valence ratings for irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli, indicating consistent individual responses across different types of stimuli.There is a significant correlation between changes in valence ratings for irrelevant and non-erotic stimuli, indicating consistent responsiveness across different stimulus types. Different items elicit varying baseline levels of valence..

m_v <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Valence ~ Sex / Relevance + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.85 0.09 (0.68, 1.02) 9.89 < .001
Sex (Female) -0.96 0.13 (-1.21, -0.71) -7.67 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -1.66 0.12 (-1.90, -1.41) -13.34 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.04 0.13 (-0.22, 0.29) 0.28 0.781
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -0.66 0.12 (-0.89, -0.42) -5.50 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic 0.47 0.12 (0.23, 0.72) 3.81 < .001
estimate_relation(m_v) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=Relevance, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=CI_low, ymax=CI_high, color=Relevance), position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  labs(y="Valence") +
  facet_wrap(~Sex) +


plot_descriptive <- function(df, target="Arousal") {
  # By item
  order <- df |>
    mutate(.Item_Order = paste0(Relevance, "_", Sex, "_", Item)) |>
    summarize(mean = mean(.data[[target]], na.rm=TRUE), .by=c("Condition", ".Item_Order")) |> 
    arrange(.Item_Order, desc(Condition)) |> 
    mutate(diff = sign(mean - lag(mean)),
           Relevance = str_extract(.Item_Order, "^[^_]+"),
           .Item_Order = str_extract(.Item_Order, "(?<=_).+")) |>
    filter(Condition == "Photograph") |> 
    arrange(Relevance, diff, mean)
  p1 <- df |>
    mutate(.Item_Order = paste0(Sex, "_", Item)) |>
    group_by(.Item_Order, Condition) |>
    ggdist::mean_qi(.data[[target]], .width=0.95) |>
    mutate(Sex = fct_rev(str_extract(.Item_Order, "^[^_]+"))) |>
    left_join(order[c(".Item_Order", "diff")], by=".Item_Order") |>
    mutate(.Item_Order = fct_relevel(.Item_Order, order$.Item_Order)) |>
    # mutate(.average = mean(.data[[target]]), .by="Item") |>
    # mutate(Item = fct_reorder(Item, .average)) |>
    ggplot(aes(y = .Item_Order,[[target]])) +
    geom_line(aes(color=as.factor(diff)), linewidth=1) +
    geom_point(aes(color=Condition), size=2) +
    # ggdist::stat_slabinterval(aes(fill=Condition, color=Condition),
    #                           .width=0.95, normalize="xy", slab_alpha=0.5) +
    # ggdist::stat_histinterval(aes(fill=Condition, color=Condition),
    #                           .width=0.95, normalize="xy", slab_alpha=0.5) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("AI-Generated"="#2196F3", "Photograph"="#F44336", "1"="#F44336", "-1"="#2196F3"),
                       breaks = c('AI-Generated', 'Photograph')) +
    # scale_fill_manual(values=c("AI-Generated"="#2196F3", "Photograph"="#F44336")) +
    scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) str_extract(x, "(?<=_).+")) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
          # panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_blank(),
          axis.line.x = element_blank()) +
    labs(title = paste0(target, " by Item"), color="Condition", y="Items") +
    facet_wrap(~Sex, scales="free_y")

  # By participant
  p2 <- df |>
    summarize(.average = mean(.data[[target]]),
              .by=c("Sex", "Participant", "Condition")) |>
    pivot_wider(names_from = Condition, values_from = .average) |>
    mutate(.diff = Photograph - `AI-Generated`) |>
    mutate(Participant = fct_reorder(Participant, .diff)) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = .diff, y=Participant)) +
    geom_bar(aes(fill=.diff), stat = "identity")  +
    scale_fill_gradient2(guide="none", low="red", high="red", mid="blue") +
    labs(title = paste0(target, " by Participant")) +
    facet_wrap(~Sex, ncol=2, scales="free_y") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_blank(),
          axis.line.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
    labs(title = paste0(target, " by Participant"), x="Difference (Photograph - AI-Generated)", y="Participants")

  p1 / p2 + plot_layout(heights = c(2, 1))

arousal_desc <- plot_descriptive(df, "Arousal")

Whole Sample

This model examines the effects of Sex, Relevance, and Condition on Arousal, accounting for random variability due to participants and items (i.e., random effects).

Women rate relevant (photograph) stimuli significantly lower in arousal compared to men. Males rate irrelevant (photograph), and non-erotic (photograph), stimuli significantly lower in arousal compared to relevant stimuli. Females also rate non-erotic (photograph) stimuli lower in arousal compared to relevant stimuli. Lastly, males rate AI-Generated images significantly lower in arousal compared to Photograph images.

The analysis also examined the average marginal effect of the variable “Condition” (comparing AI-Generated to Photograph) separately for males and females. For males, the arousal is on average lower for AI-Generated images compared to Photograph images. For females, the arousal is on average higher for AI-Generated images compared to Photograph images; however, this effect is not significant.

m_arousal <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + 
                                (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.57 0.09 (0.40, 0.74) 6.57 < .001
Sex (Female) -1.27 0.13 (-1.52, -1.02) -9.98 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -3.65 0.14 (-3.92, -3.39) -26.87 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant -0.27 0.15 (-0.56, 0.01) -1.86 0.063
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -3.67 0.13 (-3.92, -3.42) -28.45 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -2.30 0.14 (-2.58, -2.02) -16.22 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.02 (-0.11, -0.04) -4.07 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.03 (-0.02, 0.09) 1.29 0.197
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -2.67e-03 0.03 (-0.06, 0.05) -0.10 0.924
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -1.20e-03 0.03 (-0.05, 0.05) -0.05 0.964
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.06 0.03 (-0.12, 4.90e-03) -1.81 0.071
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.07 0.04 (-0.01, 0.15) 1.68 0.094
marginaleffects::avg_slopes(m_arousal, variables="Condition", by="Sex", re.form=NA) |> 
Comparison Sex Coefficient z p 95% CI predicted_lo predicted_hi
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Male -6.60e-03 -4.28 < .001 [-0.01, 0.00] 0.04 0.04
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Female 3.48e-03 1.29 0.197 [ 0.00, 0.01] 0.33 0.34


When examining the random slopes, it was observed that only males significantly rated arousal lower for AI-generated images compared to photographs. Further analysis of the sample subgroups revealed that this effect was predominantly driven by males from the general population, who significantly contributed to the lower arousal ratings for AI-generated images compared to photographs.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sample / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.08 0.02 (-0.12, -0.04) -3.84 < .001
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.06 (-0.19, 0.04) -1.23 0.220
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.04 0.06 (-0.16, 0.07) -0.79 0.432
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.06 0.05 (-0.04, 0.15) 1.18 0.238
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.01 0.04 (-0.10, 0.07) -0.26 0.792
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.06 0.04 (-0.03, 0.15) 1.38 0.169
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 3.64e-03 0.03 (-0.06, 0.06) 0.12 0.904
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.10 0.11 (-0.32, 0.12) -0.88 0.381
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -4.46e-04 0.10 (-0.20, 0.20) -4.35e-03 0.997
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.04 0.05 (-0.05, 0.14) 0.89 0.375
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.04 (-0.07, 0.10) 0.30 0.766
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.06 0.05 (-0.15, 0.03) -1.23 0.220
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.03 (-0.12, 0.02) -1.42 0.157
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.12 (-0.26, 0.23) -0.13 0.893
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.18 0.11 (-0.41, 0.04) -1.63 0.102
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.08 0.08 (-0.07, 0.23) 1.07 0.284
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.07 (-0.11, 0.17) 0.48 0.634
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.09 0.07 (-0.04, 0.21) 1.33 0.184

We investigated the influence of using a mobile device (mobile = TRUE) versus other devices on arousal ratings, considering the effects of condition and relevance.

Males rated relevant AI-generated images significantly lower in arousal compared to relevant photographs, irrespective of whether they used a mobile device or not. However, this effect was more pronounced among male participants who used a mobile device.

We also explored whether the interaction between condition (AI-Generated vs. Photograph) and screen size affected arousal levels. No statistically significant results were found for this interaction.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Mobile / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.02 (-0.09, -1.89e-03) -2.04 0.041
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.12 0.03 (-0.18, -0.06) -4.01 < .001
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.04 0.03 (-0.02, 0.10) 1.29 0.199
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.05 (-0.08, 0.12) 0.37 0.714
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.04 (-0.10, 0.06) -0.49 0.621
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.04 (-0.06, 0.09) 0.36 0.715
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -9.93e-03 0.03 (-0.07, 0.05) -0.32 0.748
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.05 (-0.08, 0.13) 0.45 0.656
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.06 0.05 (-0.15, 0.04) -1.21 0.225
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.06 0.04 (-0.14, 0.03) -1.34 0.181
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.04 0.05 (-0.06, 0.14) 0.77 0.441
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.12 0.07 (-0.01, 0.26) 1.81 0.070
m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance / (Condition * Screen_Size) + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=standardize(df, select="Screen_Size"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Screen")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × Screen Size 0.02 0.04 (-0.06, 0.10) 0.51 0.612
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × Screen Size 0.10 0.07 (-0.05, 0.24) 1.29 0.197
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × Screen Size 0.10 0.09 (-0.07, 0.27) 1.18 0.238
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × Screen Size 0.09 0.15 (-0.19, 0.38) 0.63 0.528
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × Screen Size 0.04 0.07 (-0.11, 0.18) 0.49 0.621
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × Screen Size 0.16 0.13 (-0.10, 0.41) 1.21 0.226
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated × Screen Size -0.03 0.02 (-0.06, 7.04e-03) -1.57 0.118
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated × Screen Size -0.03 0.03 (-0.10, 0.04) -0.90 0.368
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated × Screen Size 0.04 0.03 (-0.01, 0.10) 1.47 0.142
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated × Screen Size 0.04 0.03 (-0.02, 0.11) 1.27 0.205
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated × Screen Size -0.01 0.03 (-0.08, 0.05) -0.37 0.708
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated × Screen Size 0.08 0.05 (-0.02, 0.19) 1.56 0.118


This model explores whether various factors such as attitudes towards AI, knowledge about AI, porn usage, frequency of porn consumption, and sexual activity moderate the relationship between sex, image relevance (specifically AI-generated versus photographs), and arousal ratings.

The analysis revealed a significant interaction effect only for porn usage among females. Specifically, females with higher levels of porn usage rated AI-generated images significantly lower in arousal compared to photographs. No other moderators showed statistically significant effects on arousal ratings across the interactions of sex, condition (AI-Generated vs. Photograph), and the respective moderators.

We also examined whether feedback moderates the relationship between sex, condition, and relevance on arousal, we found the following significant effects:

Findings suggest that feedback about the arousal potential of AI-generated images can significantly moderate arousal ratings, with females being more positively influenced by feedback that AI images are more arousing, and males being more negatively influenced by feedback that AI images are less arousing.

test_moderator <- function(df, outcome="Arousal", moderator="BAIT_Visual") {
  f <- paste0(outcome, " ~ Sex / (Condition * ", moderator, ") + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item)")
  r <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(as.formula(f),
                      data=filter(df, Relevance == "Relevant"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8)) |>
    parameters::parameters() |> |> 
    select(-df_error, -Effects, -Group, -Component, -SE)
  r$Moderator <- moderator
  r$Outcome <- outcome
  insight::format_table(r[c(7, 8), ])

moderator_results <- data.frame()
for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num")) {
  moderator_results <- rbind(moderator_results,
                             test_moderator(df, "Arousal", m))

Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual -0.11 [-0.34, 0.12] -0.92 0.356 BAIT_Visual Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.28 [-0.12, 0.68] 1.38 0.166 BAIT_Visual Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text -2.50e-03 [-0.16, 0.16] -0.03 0.976 BAIT_Text Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.04 [-0.24, 0.31] 0.25 0.801 BAIT_Text Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 0.02 [-0.01, 0.06] 1.37 0.170 AI_Knowledge Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 0.01 [-0.03, 0.06] 0.59 0.556 AI_Knowledge Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.08 [-0.11, 0.27] 0.84 0.398 GAAIS_Positive Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.17 [-0.13, 0.47] 1.09 0.276 GAAIS_Positive Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative -0.03 [-0.19, 0.14] -0.31 0.759 GAAIS_Negative Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.17 [-0.11, 0.46] 1.22 0.224 GAAIS_Negative Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.04 [-0.09, 0.02] -1.35 0.177 Porn Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.08 [-0.16, 0.00] -2.06 0.040 Porn Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -0.01 [-0.04, 0.01] -0.90 0.368 PornFrequency Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -0.03 [-0.07, 0.02] -1.25 0.212 PornFrequency Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -2.95e-03 [-0.04, 0.03] -0.16 0.876 SexualActivity_num Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.01 [-0.06, 0.03] -0.65 0.515 SexualActivity_num Arousal
feedback_results <- data.frame()
for(m in c("Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  feedback_results <- rbind(feedback_results,
                            test_moderator(df, "Arousal", m))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue 0.06 [-0.09, 0.21] 0.80 0.421 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.14 [-0.38, 0.10] -1.17 0.241 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 8.61e-03 [-0.07, 0.09] 0.21 0.833 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.03 [-0.09, 0.14] 0.48 0.630 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.02 [-0.12, 0.15] 0.23 0.821 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.15 [ 0.00, 0.30] 1.96 0.050 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.14 [-0.27, -0.02] -2.19 0.028 Feedback_AILessArousing Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue 0.16 [-0.03, 0.36] 1.64 0.102 Feedback_AILessArousing Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.04 [-0.12, 0.04] -0.94 0.349 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.04 [-0.17, 0.08] -0.70 0.485 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue -0.08 [-0.27, 0.10] -0.89 0.371 Feedback_LabelsReversed Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue 2.95e-03 [-0.21, 0.22] 0.03 0.978 Feedback_LabelsReversed Arousal


  m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                        data=filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                        control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.62 0.09 (0.45, 0.79) 7.29 < .001
Sex (Female) -1.17 0.13 (-1.42, -0.92) -9.27 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -3.64 0.14 (-3.90, -3.37) -26.72 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant -0.35 0.14 (-0.63, -0.06) -2.39 0.017
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -3.74 0.13 (-3.99, -3.48) -28.47 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -2.40 0.14 (-2.68, -2.11) -16.61 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.38 0.03 (-0.45, -0.31) -10.85 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.39 0.05 (-0.48, -0.30) -8.43 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.05 (-0.16, 0.03) -1.36 0.173
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.15 0.05 (-0.25, -0.06) -3.30 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.16 0.07 (-0.30, -0.02) -2.26 0.024
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.09 0.09 (-0.27, 0.09) -0.95 0.340
  moderator_believed <- data.frame()
  for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
             "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
             "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num", 
             "Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
             "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
             "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
    moderator_believed <- rbind(moderator_believed,
                               test_moderator(filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), "Arousal", m))
  display(filter(moderator_believed, p < .1))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.58 [ 0.01, 1.15] 2.01 0.045 GAAIS_Negative Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.17 [-0.33, -0.01] -2.10 0.036 Porn Arousal
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.12 [-0.21, -0.04] -2.85 0.004 SexualActivity_num Arousal
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.32 [-0.54, -0.09] -2.80 0.005 Feedback_AILessArousing Arousal


enticement_desc <- plot_descriptive(df, "Enticement")

Whole Sample

This model examines how Sex, Relevance, and Condition influence Valence ratings, treating relevance within each participant and items as random effects.

Females consistently rate relevant (photograph) images significantly lower in enticement compared to males. Conversely, men rate irrelevant images (photographs) significantly lower in enticement than relevant ones, although this difference is not observed among females. Both genders rate non-erotic images (photographs) significantly lower in enticement than relevant ones. Interestingly, neither gender shows a significant difference in enticement ratings between AI-generated images and photographs, regardless of relevance.

We also analyzed the average marginal effect of the variable “Condition” (comparing AI-Generated to Photograph) separately for males and females.

For males, enticement ratings are significantly lower on average for AI-Generated images compared to Photograph images. For females, enticement ratings are slightly higher on average for AI-Generated images compared to Photograph images, although this difference is not statistically significant.

m_enticement <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Enticement ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + 
                                   (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.83 0.08 (0.68, 0.99) 10.55 < .001
Sex (Female) -0.99 0.12 (-1.22, -0.77) -8.62 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -2.25 0.12 (-2.49, -2.01) -18.33 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.05 0.14 (-0.21, 0.32) 0.39 0.693
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -2.44 0.12 (-2.67, -2.20) -20.37 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -1.16 0.13 (-1.42, -0.91) -8.85 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.08 0.02 (-0.12, -0.04) -4.30 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.02 (-0.02, 0.07) 1.01 0.311
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -2.95e-03 0.02 (-0.05, 0.04) -0.14 0.891
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.01 0.03 (-0.06, 0.04) -0.46 0.647
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.02 (-0.10, -6.01e-03) -2.22 0.026
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.03 (-0.05, 0.07) 0.40 0.686
marginaleffects::avg_slopes(m_enticement, variables="Condition", by="Sex", re.form=NA) |> 
Comparison Sex Coefficient z p 95% CI predicted_lo predicted_hi
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Male -8.31e-03 -4.04 < .001 [-0.01, 0.00] 0.17 0.16
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Female 1.79e-03 0.53 0.596 [ 0.00, 0.01] 0.46 0.47


Here we examined the interaction between Sample (different participant groups), Sex, Relevance, and Condition (AI-Generated vs. Photograph) on enticement ratings.

These findings indicate that in the General Population and Students (Non-incentivized) samples, males show a preference for relevant Photograph images over relevant AI-Generated images in terms of enticement, while females tend to rate relevant AI-Generated images higher in enticement. The differences in enticement ratings between AI-Generated and Photograph images were not significant in other samples or conditions examined.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Enticement ~ Sample / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.09 0.02 (-0.13, -0.05) -4.34 < .001
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.08 0.06 (-0.20, 0.05) -1.22 0.222
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -6.24e-03 0.06 (-0.12, 0.11) -0.10 0.917
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.05 (-0.08, 0.11) 0.37 0.713
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.04 0.04 (-0.12, 0.04) -1.04 0.297
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.11 0.04 (0.02, 0.19) 2.54 0.011
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -1.60e-03 0.02 (-0.05, 0.04) -0.07 0.946
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.08 0.08 (-0.24, 0.07) -1.04 0.299
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.05 0.07 (-0.09, 0.19) 0.68 0.496
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.05 (-0.12, 0.07) -0.53 0.599
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.04 0.04 (-0.12, 0.04) -0.98 0.325
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.04 (-0.05, 0.12) 0.77 0.441
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.06 0.03 (-0.10, -5.33e-03) -2.17 0.030
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.11 0.08 (-0.05, 0.27) 1.37 0.171
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.14 0.07 (-0.28, -4.25e-03) -2.02 0.043
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.05 (-0.10, 0.12) 0.19 0.849
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.05 (-0.12, 0.07) -0.51 0.612
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.05 0.05 (-0.05, 0.15) 1.01 0.313

Here, we explored the impact of using a mobile device (mobile = TRUE) versus not using one as a predictor of enticement, alongside condition, sex, and relevance.

We observed that males rated relevant AI-generated images significantly lower in enticement compared to relevant photographs, regardless of whether they used a mobile device or not. However, this effect was more pronounced among males using a mobile device. Additionally, for males, using a mobile device influenced enticement ratings for non-erotic stimuli, where they rated AI-generated non-erotic stimuli lower in enticement compared to non-erotic photographs.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Enticement ~ Mobile / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.02 (-0.11, -0.02) -2.74 0.006
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.11 0.03 (-0.17, -0.05) -3.49 < .001
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.03 (-0.02, 0.09) 1.21 0.228
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -2.97e-03 0.05 (-0.10, 0.10) -0.06 0.953
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.03 (-0.10, 6.24e-03) -1.74 0.082
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.06 0.03 (-3.04e-03, 0.13) 1.87 0.062
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.03 (-0.09, 0.03) -1.03 0.305
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.04 0.05 (-0.06, 0.14) 0.87 0.385
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.03 (-0.09, 0.03) -0.92 0.356
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.08 0.04 (-0.15, -0.01) -2.36 0.018
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.03 (-0.06, 0.08) 0.31 0.757
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.06 (-0.10, 0.13) 0.27 0.787


We examined whether attitudes towards AI, porn usage and frequency, and sexual activity moderated the relationship between the predictors (sex, relevance, condition) and enticement ratings. The results indicated that no moderator was significant.

Looking at feedback as a moderator, the results showed that enticement ratings for images labeled AI-generated were moderated by the feedback that AI is more arousing, but this was only significant for women. Specifically, women who reported that AI-generated images as more arousing rated these images higher in enticement compared to images labeled as photographs.

Lastly, the interaction between sexual activity and condition on arousal, suggests that for females, the effect of AI-Generated condition on arousal ratings varies with different levels of sexual activity.

for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num")) {
  moderator_results <- rbind(moderator_results,
                             test_moderator(df, "Enticement", m))

display(filter(moderator_results, Outcome == "Enticement"))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.07 [-0.17, 0.30] 0.55 0.585 BAIT_Visual Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.28 [-0.09, 0.66] 1.49 0.137 BAIT_Visual Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.02 [-0.14, 0.19] 0.29 0.775 BAIT_Text Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.09 [-0.16, 0.34] 0.70 0.485 BAIT_Text Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 0.02 [-0.02, 0.05] 0.86 0.390 AI_Knowledge Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 2.56e-04 [-0.04, 0.04] 0.01 0.990 AI_Knowledge Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.03 [-0.16, 0.22] 0.28 0.777 GAAIS_Positive Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.24 [-0.04, 0.51] 1.67 0.094 GAAIS_Positive Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.06 [-0.11, 0.23] 0.71 0.480 GAAIS_Negative Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.15 [-0.11, 0.42] 1.15 0.251 GAAIS_Negative Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.05 [-0.11, 0.00] -1.90 0.058 Porn Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.07 [-0.14, 0.00] -1.92 0.055 Porn Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -0.01 [-0.04, 0.01] -0.90 0.367 PornFrequency Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -4.87e-03 [-0.05, 0.04] -0.23 0.814 PornFrequency Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.02 [-0.05, 0.02] -0.87 0.384 SexualActivity_num Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.02 [-0.06, 0.02] -0.85 0.393 SexualActivity_num Enticement
for(m in c("Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  feedback_results <- rbind(feedback_results,
                            test_moderator(df, "Enticement", m))
display(filter(feedback_results, Outcome == "Enticement"))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.03 [-0.18, 0.12] -0.39 0.695 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.04 [-0.25, 0.18] -0.35 0.727 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.07 [-0.01, 0.15] 1.63 0.103 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.03 [-0.07, 0.14] 0.60 0.546 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue -4.54e-04 [-0.14, 0.14] -6.40e-03 0.995 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.14 [ 0.00, 0.29] 1.96 0.050 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.12 [-0.25, 0.00] -1.89 0.058 Feedback_AILessArousing Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue 0.14 [-0.05, 0.32] 1.46 0.144 Feedback_AILessArousing Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.04 [-0.12, 0.03] -1.11 0.269 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.11 [-0.22, 0.01] -1.86 0.063 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue -0.07 [-0.25, 0.12] -0.70 0.484 Feedback_LabelsReversed Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue 0.23 [ 0.03, 0.44] 2.28 0.022 Feedback_LabelsReversed Enticement
m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / (Condition * SexualActivity_num) + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) -0.92 0.14 (-1.21, -0.64) -6.41 < .001
Sex (Female) -0.01 0.12 (-0.25, 0.23) -0.09 0.931
Sex (Male) × ConditionAI-Generated -0.28 0.06 (-0.39, -0.17) -4.94 < .001
Sex (Female) × ConditionAI-Generated -0.12 0.09 (-0.29, 0.06) -1.27 0.204
Sex (Male) × SexualActivity num -0.03 0.03 (-0.09, 0.03) -0.96 0.338
Sex (Female) × SexualActivity num -0.02 0.03 (-0.09, 0.04) -0.69 0.491
Sex (Male) × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.02 0.03 (-0.08, 0.03) -0.88 0.378
Sex (Female) × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.06 0.03 (-0.12, -2.97e-03) -2.06 0.039
sex_act_plot<- estimate_relation(m, length=20) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=SexualActivity_num, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_low, ymax=CI_high, fill=Condition), alpha=0.2) +
  geom_line(aes(color=Condition)) +



m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Enticement ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.89 0.08 (0.73, 1.04) 11.25 < .001
Sex (Female) -0.95 0.12 (-1.18, -0.73) -8.25 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -2.26 0.12 (-2.50, -2.02) -18.45 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.04 0.13 (-0.22, 0.31) 0.33 0.738
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -2.45 0.12 (-2.69, -2.22) -20.62 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -1.20 0.13 (-1.45, -0.94) -9.16 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.41 0.04 (-0.48, -0.34) -11.63 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.31 0.04 (-0.39, -0.22) -7.21 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.11 0.04 (-0.18, -0.03) -2.88 0.004
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.27 0.04 (-0.36, -0.19) -6.16 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.23 0.05 (-0.33, -0.13) -4.57 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.13 0.07 (-0.27, 1.90e-03) -1.93 0.053
moderator_believed <- data.frame()
for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num", 
           "Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  moderator_believed <- rbind(moderator_believed,
                             test_moderator(filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), "Enticement", m))

display(filter(moderator_believed, p < .1))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.31 [-0.02, 0.64] 1.84 0.066 BAIT_Text Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.13 [-0.27, 0.01] -1.82 0.069 Porn Enticement
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.08 [-0.15, 0.00] -2.01 0.045 SexualActivity_num Enticement
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.32 [-0.53, -0.10] -2.92 0.003 Feedback_AILessArousing Enticement


valence_desc <- plot_descriptive(df, "Valence")

Whole Sample

This model investigates the effects of Sex, Relevance, and Condition on Valence, accounting for random variability due to participants and items (i.e., random effects).

Females rate relevant images significantly lower in valence than males on average. Males rate irrelevant and non-erotic images significantly lower in valence compared to relevant images. Females rate both irrelevant and non-erotic images higher in valence compared to relevant ones, but this effect is only significant for non-erotic stimuli. Males rate relevant images significantly lower in valence when labeled as AI-generated compared to when labeled as photographs.

Females rate relevant (photograph) images significantly lower in valence compared to males. Males rate irrelevant (photograph) and non-erotic (photograph) images significantly lower in valence compared to relevant images. Females rate non-erotic (photograph) images higher in valence compared to relevant ones. Males rate relevant AI-Generated images significantly lower in valence compared to photographs.

Lastly, we can see that for males, valence ratings are on average significantly lower for AI-Generated images compared to Photograph images. For females, there is no significant effect.

m_valence <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Valence ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + 
                                (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.90 0.09 (0.73, 1.07) 10.38 < .001
Sex (Female) -1.02 0.13 (-1.26, -0.77) -8.07 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -1.69 0.12 (-1.93, -1.45) -13.54 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.05 0.13 (-0.21, 0.31) 0.39 0.697
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -0.69 0.12 (-0.92, -0.45) -5.72 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic 0.49 0.13 (0.25, 0.74) 3.93 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.09 0.02 (-0.13, -0.06) -5.25 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.02 (-0.03, 0.06) 0.84 0.403
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.02 (-0.06, 8.34e-03) -1.50 0.133
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.01 0.02 (-0.06, 0.03) -0.49 0.621
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.02 (-0.07, 4.89e-04) -1.93 0.053
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.07, 0.03) -0.79 0.430
marginaleffects::avg_slopes(m_valence, variables="Condition", by="Sex", re.form=NA) |> 
Comparison Sex Coefficient z p 95% CI predicted_lo predicted_hi
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Male -0.01 -4.87 < .001 [-0.02, -0.01] 0.55 0.54
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Female -8.51e-04 -0.26 0.797 [-0.01, 0.01] 0.47 0.48


Examining the effect of sample type as a predictor, males consistently rate relevant AI-generated images significantly lower in valence compared to relevant photographs. Additionally, among non-incentivized students, this pattern persists for males, while females rate relevant AI-generated images significantly higher in valence compared to relevant photographs

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Valence ~ Sample / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.11 0.02 (-0.15, -0.08) -5.74 < .001
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.06 (-0.13, 0.09) -0.36 0.719
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 2.99e-03 0.06 (-0.11, 0.12) 0.05 0.959
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.04 (-0.05, 0.12) 0.76 0.448
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.04 (-0.12, 0.02) -1.36 0.175
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.09 0.04 (9.63e-03, 0.16) 2.21 0.027
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.02 (-0.07, 0.01) -1.34 0.181
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.16 0.07 (-0.29, -0.03) -2.36 0.018
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.08 0.06 (-0.04, 0.19) 1.24 0.216
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.04 (-0.11, 0.06) -0.55 0.585
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.04 (-0.09, 0.05) -0.58 0.564
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 9.85e-03 0.04 (-0.07, 0.09) 0.25 0.802
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.06, 0.01) -1.23 0.218
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.06 (-0.14, 0.09) -0.46 0.644
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.12 0.06 (-0.24, -0.01) -2.19 0.028
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.05 (-0.14, 0.04) -1.08 0.280
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 7.45e-03 0.04 (-0.07, 0.08) 0.20 0.841
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.04 (-0.11, 0.06) -0.61 0.545

When examining the use of mobile devices as a predictor, men consistently rated the valence lower for relevant AI-generated images compared to photographs, regardless of whether they used a mobile or a standard computer. However, the effect was more pronounced among those using mobile devices.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Valence ~ Mobile / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.02 (-0.11, -0.02) -2.95 0.003
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.14 0.03 (-0.20, -0.08) -4.77 < .001
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 9.57e-03 0.03 (-0.04, 0.06) 0.36 0.717
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.05 0.05 (-0.04, 0.14) 1.06 0.290
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.04 0.02 (-0.09, 1.15e-04) -1.95 0.051
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 2.03e-03 0.03 (-0.06, 0.06) 0.07 0.945
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.03 (-0.07, 0.03) -0.65 0.517
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 6.72e-03 0.05 (-0.09, 0.10) 0.14 0.886
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.06, 0.02) -0.99 0.322
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.03 (-0.11, 2.68e-03) -1.87 0.062
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.01 0.03 (-0.07, 0.04) -0.54 0.592
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.05 (-0.13, 0.06) -0.66 0.507


Here we look at whether the relationship between sex, condition and relevance and valence is moderated by AI-attitudes, porn frequency and usage, and sexual activity. Females who have more positive attitudes towards AI rated AI-generated images significantly higher in valence compared to images labelled as photographs.

Looking at feedback as a moderator we can see that ales who reported that they could not discriminate between AI-generated and photograph images, rated AI-generated images significantly higher in valence compared to images labelled as photographs.

for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num")) {
  moderator_results <- rbind(moderator_results,
                             test_moderator(df, "Valence", m))

display(filter(moderator_results, Outcome == "Valence"))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.06 [-0.18, 0.31] 0.51 0.607 BAIT_Visual Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.27 [-0.10, 0.64] 1.44 0.149 BAIT_Visual Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.10 [-0.07, 0.26] 1.13 0.259 BAIT_Text Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.21 [-0.04, 0.46] 1.66 0.096 BAIT_Text Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 5.57e-03 [-0.03, 0.04] 0.31 0.755 AI_Knowledge Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 0.04 [ 0.00, 0.08] 1.90 0.058 AI_Knowledge Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.02 [-0.17, 0.21] 0.21 0.837 GAAIS_Positive Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.36 [ 0.09, 0.63] 2.58 0.010 GAAIS_Positive Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative -7.48e-03 [-0.18, 0.17] -0.08 0.932 GAAIS_Negative Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.19 [-0.07, 0.45] 1.45 0.147 GAAIS_Negative Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.04 [-0.10, 0.02] -1.40 0.161 Porn Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.06 [-0.13, 0.01] -1.68 0.094 Porn Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -0.01 [-0.04, 0.01] -0.92 0.355 PornFrequency Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -0.01 [-0.05, 0.03] -0.62 0.532 PornFrequency Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.02 [-0.06, 0.02] -1.02 0.306 SexualActivity_num Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.02 [-0.06, 0.02] -0.96 0.336 SexualActivity_num Valence
for(m in c("Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  feedback_results <- rbind(feedback_results,
                            test_moderator(df, "Valence", m))
display(filter(feedback_results, Outcome == "Valence"))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.14 [-0.29, 0.02] -1.72 0.085 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.05 [-0.25, 0.16] -0.45 0.653 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.11 [ 0.03, 0.20] 2.69 0.007 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.04 [-0.06, 0.14] 0.74 0.457 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.04 [-0.10, 0.18] 0.52 0.601 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.13 [-0.02, 0.27] 1.71 0.088 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.10 [-0.23, 0.03] -1.49 0.137 Feedback_AILessArousing Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue 0.07 [-0.11, 0.25] 0.77 0.442 Feedback_AILessArousing Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.05 [-0.14, 0.03] -1.34 0.181 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.08 [-0.19, 0.03] -1.40 0.161 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue -5.72e-03 [-0.19, 0.18] -0.06 0.952 Feedback_LabelsReversed Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue 0.08 [-0.12, 0.28] 0.80 0.426 Feedback_LabelsReversed Valence


m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Valence ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.95 0.09 (0.78, 1.12) 11.07 < .001
Sex (Female) -0.95 0.13 (-1.19, -0.70) -7.56 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -1.68 0.12 (-1.92, -1.44) -13.59 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.03 0.13 (-0.23, 0.28) 0.20 0.839
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -0.72 0.12 (-0.95, -0.48) -6.02 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic 0.42 0.12 (0.18, 0.67) 3.39 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.48 0.03 (-0.54, -0.41) -14.51 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.33 0.04 (-0.41, -0.26) -8.44 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.20 0.03 (-0.27, -0.14) -6.30 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.24 0.04 (-0.31, -0.16) -5.92 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.17 0.04 (-0.24, -0.10) -4.76 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.22 0.06 (-0.32, -0.11) -3.91 < .001
moderator_believed <- data.frame()
for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num", 
           "Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  moderator_believed <- rbind(moderator_believed,
                             test_moderator(filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), "Valence", m))

display(filter(moderator_believed, p < .1))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.38 [ 0.02, 0.74] 2.06 0.040 BAIT_Text Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.30 [-0.62, 0.02] -1.81 0.071 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Valence
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.20 [-0.02, 0.41] 1.82 0.069 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Valence
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.21 [-0.45, 0.03] -1.70 0.090 Feedback_AILessArousing Valence

Emotionality (Combined Factor)

Here we combined the data for arousal, valence and enticing into an emotionality factor.

pca <- principal_components(df[c("Valence", "Arousal", "Enticement")], n = 2)
# Loadings from Principal Component Analysis (no rotation)

Variable   | PC1  |  PC2  | Complexity
Valence    | 0.79 | 0.61  |    1.87   
Arousal    | 0.87 | -0.37 |    1.34   
Enticement | 0.91 | -0.17 |    1.07   

The 2 principal components accounted for 91.56% of the total variance of the original data (PC1 = 73.77%, PC2 = 17.79%).
df$Emotionality <- normalize(predict(pca)$PC1)

emotionality <- df |> 
  mutate(Emotionality_Extreme = ifelse(Emotionality %in% c(0, 1), "Extreme", "Not extreme")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=Emotionality, fill=Relevance)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(color=Emotionality_Extreme), position = "identity", bins=80) +
  facet_grid(Relevance~Sex, scales="free_y") +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "white"), guide="none") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("Relevant"="#E91E63", "Irrelevant"="#FF9800", "Non-erotic"="#03A9F4"), guide="none") +
  scale_y_sqrt(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  labs(title = "Emotionality") +
  theme_abyss() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold"))


emotionality_desc <- plot_descriptive(df, "Emotionality")

Whole Sample

This model looks at the effect of sex, relevance and condition on emotionality, accounting for random variability due to participants and items (i.e., random effects).

These findings suggest that females consistently rate relevant (photograph) images lower in emotionality compared to males. Additionally, males specifically rate irrelevant (photograph) images lower in emotionality, and both genders rate non-erotic (photgraph) images lower in emotionality compared to relevant images. Furthermore, males rate AI-generated relevant images lower in emotionality compared to those labelled as photographs.

For males, emotionality ratings are on average significantly lower for AI-Generated images compared to Photograph images. This indicates that males generally rate AI-Generated images lower in emotionality compared to photographs. For females, there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of AI-Generated and Photograph images in terms of emotionality. This suggests that females do not show a significant preference or difference in emotionality ratings between AI-Generated and Photograph images.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Emotionality ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=df, family=glmmTMB::ordbeta(),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.81 0.08 (0.66, 0.96) 10.67 < .001
Sex (Female) -1.23 0.11 (-1.45, -1.01) -10.96 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -2.28 0.11 (-2.49, -2.06) -20.73 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant 0.02 0.12 (-0.21, 0.26) 0.18 0.861
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -1.80 0.10 (-2.00, -1.60) -17.65 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -0.47 0.11 (-0.68, -0.26) -4.38 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.09 0.02 (-0.12, -0.06) -6.10 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.02 (-0.02, 0.06) 1.11 0.267
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.05, 0.02) -1.03 0.305
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -8.79e-05 0.02 (-0.04, 0.04) -4.33e-03 0.997
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.05, 7.10e-03) -1.50 0.132
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 5.19e-03 0.02 (-0.03, 0.04) 0.26 0.798
marginaleffects::avg_slopes(m, variables="Condition", by="Sex", re.form=NA) |> 
Comparison Sex Coefficient z p 95% CI predicted_lo predicted_hi
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Male -9.25e-03 -5.27 < .001 [-0.01, -0.01] 0.27 0.27
mean(AI-Generated) - mean(Photograph) Female 2.16e-03 0.80 0.423 [ 0.00, 0.01] 0.40 0.40


This model investigates the influence of sample type (General Population, Incentivized Students, Non-incentivized Students), Sex, Relevance, and Condition (AI-Generated vs. Photograph) on emotionality ratings. Males from the General Population consistently rated AI-Generated images lower in emotionality compared to photographs across relevant conditions. Females from the Non-incentivized Students group showed a significant preference for AI-Generated images in terms of emotionality compared to photographs.

These findings suggest that the perception of emotionality in AI-Generated images varies significantly based on sample type (general population vs. students) and the relevance of the images, particularly for males and non-incentivized female students.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Emotionality ~ Sample / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.11 0.02 (-0.14, -0.07) -6.17 < .001
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.09 0.05 (-0.19, 5.84e-03) -1.85 0.065
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -3.69e-03 0.05 (-0.10, 0.09) -0.08 0.938
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.04 (-0.06, 0.09) 0.30 0.764
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.04 0.03 (-0.10, 0.03) -1.06 0.288
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.09 0.03 (0.03, 0.16) 2.74 0.006
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.05, 0.02) -0.87 0.383
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.12 0.06 (-0.24, 8.06e-03) -1.83 0.067
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.05 0.06 (-0.06, 0.16) 0.88 0.381
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.01 0.04 (-0.06, 0.09) 0.34 0.735
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.03 0.03 (-0.09, 0.04) -0.78 0.435
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.02 0.03 (-0.05, 0.09) 0.51 0.607
Sample (General Population) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.05, 0.01) -1.15 0.249
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 3.58e-03 0.05 (-0.10, 0.11) 0.07 0.945
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.05 (-0.16, 0.02) -1.50 0.133
Sample (General Population) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 2.43e-03 0.04 (-0.07, 0.08) 0.06 0.950
Sample (Students (Incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 7.96e-03 0.03 (-0.06, 0.07) 0.24 0.813
Sample (Students (Non-incentivized)) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 4.41e-03 0.03 (-0.06, 0.07) 0.13 0.895

This analysis explores the influence of using a mobile device to complete the experiment on emotionality ratings, focusing on differences between males and females across relevant and irrelevant conditions of AI-Generated and photograph images.

Males consistently rate emotionality significantly lower for relevant AI-Generated images compared to photograph images, irrespective of whether they use a mobile device or not. They also rate emotionality significantly lower for irrelevant AI-Generated images compared to photograph images when not using a mobile device. For females, there are no significant differences in how they rate emotionality for AI-Generated images based on whether they use a mobile device or not, regardless of relevance.

These findings highlight that the perception of emotionality in AI-Generated images among males is notably affected by the use of mobile devices during the experiment, whereas females show no significant variation in their ratings based on device usage.

m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Emotionality ~ Mobile / Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

results_table(m, filter="Condition")
Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.07 0.02 (-0.11, -0.03) -3.75 < .001
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.13 0.03 (-0.18, -0.08) -5.15 < .001
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.03 0.02 (-0.02, 0.07) 1.19 0.234
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 6.59e-03 0.04 (-0.07, 0.09) 0.16 0.873
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.05 0.02 (-0.10, -0.01) -2.47 0.013
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.04 0.03 (-0.01, 0.10) 1.50 0.135
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.01 0.02 (-0.06, 0.03) -0.51 0.610
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated 0.04 0.04 (-0.04, 0.12) 0.90 0.370
Mobile (False) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.02 0.02 (-0.05, 0.02) -0.81 0.416
Mobile (True) × SexMale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.04 0.03 (-0.09, 0.01) -1.41 0.157
Mobile (False) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 6.63e-03 0.02 (-0.04, 0.05) 0.29 0.775
Mobile (True) × SexFemale × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated 4.03e-04 0.04 (-0.08, 0.08) 9.59e-03 0.992


Looking at AI-attitudes, porn frequency and usage, sexual activity, and feedback as moderators, the analysis showed that for females, having a positive attitude towards AI significantly increased their emotionality ratings for AI-generated images compared to those who did not have such positive attitudes. Additionally, for females reporting finding AI more arousing lowered their emotionality ratings for AI-generated images compared to those that did not. This effect was significantly reversed for males.

for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num")) {
  moderator_results <- rbind(moderator_results,
                             test_moderator(df, "Emotionality", m))

display(filter(moderator_results, Outcome == "Emotionality"))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.03 [-0.20, 0.25] 0.24 0.813 BAIT_Visual Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Visual 0.26 [-0.09, 0.61] 1.47 0.141 BAIT_Visual Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.03 [-0.13, 0.18] 0.33 0.738 BAIT_Text Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.12 [-0.11, 0.35] 1.00 0.317 BAIT_Text Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 9.49e-03 [-0.02, 0.04] 0.57 0.568 AI_Knowledge Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × AI Knowledge 0.01 [-0.03, 0.05] 0.65 0.516 AI_Knowledge Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.06 [-0.12, 0.24] 0.66 0.508 GAAIS_Positive Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Positive 0.30 [ 0.04, 0.56] 2.27 0.023 GAAIS_Positive Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.02 [-0.14, 0.18] 0.21 0.831 GAAIS_Negative Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × GAAIS Negative 0.13 [-0.12, 0.37] 1.01 0.311 GAAIS_Negative Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.04 [-0.09, 0.01] -1.54 0.123 Porn Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.06 [-0.13, 0.01] -1.81 0.071 Porn Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -0.01 [-0.04, 0.01] -1.04 0.299 PornFrequency Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × PornFrequency -2.12e-03 [-0.04, 0.04] -0.11 0.912 PornFrequency Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.01 [-0.05, 0.02] -0.71 0.475 SexualActivity_num Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.03 [-0.07, 0.01] -1.66 0.097 SexualActivity_num Emotionality

For females reporting finding AI more arousing lowered their emotionality ratings for AI-generated images compared to those that did not. This effect was significantly reversed for males.

for(m in c("Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  feedback_results <- rbind(feedback_results,
                            test_moderator(df, "Emotionality", m))
display(filter(feedback_results, Outcome == "Emotionality"))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.05 [-0.19, 0.09] -0.71 0.478 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.16 [-0.36, 0.03] -1.62 0.105 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue 0.05 [-0.03, 0.13] 1.28 0.200 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldNotDiscriminateTrue -5.98e-03 [-0.11, 0.09] -0.12 0.906 Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.04 [-0.09, 0.17] 0.55 0.580 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AIMoreArousingTrue 0.14 [ 0.00, 0.27] 1.96 0.050 Feedback_AIMoreArousing Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.16 [-0.28, -0.04] -2.58 0.010 Feedback_AILessArousing Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue 0.13 [-0.04, 0.30] 1.47 0.142 Feedback_AILessArousing Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.05 [-0.13, 0.02] -1.44 0.150 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsIncorrectTrue -0.06 [-0.17, 0.05] -1.07 0.284 Feedback_LabelsIncorrect Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue -0.05 [-0.23, 0.12] -0.61 0.543 Feedback_LabelsReversed Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback LabelsReversedTrue 0.08 [-0.11, 0.27] 0.85 0.393 Feedback_LabelsReversed Emotionality


m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Emotionality ~ Sex / Relevance / Condition + (Relevance | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

Fixed Effects
Parameter Coefficient SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) 0.87 0.08 (0.72, 1.02) 11.46 < .001
Sex (Female) -1.15 0.11 (-1.37, -0.93) -10.32 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant -2.29 0.11 (-2.51, -2.08) -21.03 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant -0.01 0.12 (-0.25, 0.22) -0.12 0.906
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic -1.85 0.10 (-2.05, -1.65) -18.13 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic -0.57 0.11 (-0.78, -0.36) -5.32 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.47 0.03 (-0.53, -0.42) -16.28 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceRelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.38 0.04 (-0.45, -0.31) -10.80 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.15 0.03 (-0.21, -0.09) -4.96 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceIrrelevant × ConditionAI-Generated -0.25 0.04 (-0.32, -0.18) -7.00 < .001
Sex (Male) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.15 0.03 (-0.22, -0.09) -4.63 < .001
Sex (Female) × RelevanceNon-erotic × ConditionAI-Generated -0.13 0.05 (-0.22, -0.04) -2.76 0.006
moderator_believed <- data.frame()
for(m in c("BAIT_Visual", "BAIT_Text", "AI_Knowledge",
           "GAAIS_Positive", "GAAIS_Negative",
           "Porn", "PornFrequency", "SexualActivity_num", 
           "Feedback_CouldDiscriminate", "Feedback_CouldNotDiscriminate",
           "Feedback_AIMoreArousing", "Feedback_AILessArousing", 
           "Feedback_LabelsIncorrect", "Feedback_LabelsReversed")) {
  moderator_believed <- rbind(moderator_believed,
                             test_moderator(filter(df, ConditionBelief == "True"), "Emotionality", m))

display(filter(moderator_believed, p < .1))
Parameter Coefficient 95% CI z p Moderator Outcome
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × BAIT Text 0.32 [-0.03, 0.66] 1.77 0.076 BAIT_Text Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Porn -0.13 [-0.27, 0.02] -1.69 0.091 Porn Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × SexualActivity num -0.08 [-0.16, 0.00] -1.97 0.049 SexualActivity_num Emotionality
Sex [Female] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback CouldDiscriminateTrue -0.35 [-0.74, 0.04] -1.77 0.077 Feedback_CouldDiscriminate Emotionality
Sex [Male] × ConditionAI-Generated × Feedback AILessArousingTrue -0.31 [-0.54, -0.08] -2.69 0.007 Feedback_AILessArousing Emotionality


  • Believing erotic images to be AI-generated, regardless of its true nature, leads to a less pleasurable experience (i.e., a less intense and less positive emotion). While the effect is the most noticeable for men (who experience a stronger arousal when exposed to the images), it appears overall very small in magnitude. However, it becomes more pronounced for both genders when controlled for the belief in the images’ nature, and is consistent with participants’ feedback, suggesting an important meta-cognitive component (in the form of explicitly conscious beliefs).
  • The items developed (BAIT scale) seem to measure a different dimension to AI-expertise.


pred1 <- rbind(
  marginaleffects::predictions(m_arousal, by=c("Sex", "Relevance", "Condition"), newdata = "marginalmeans", re.form=NA) |> |> 
  marginaleffects::predictions(m_enticement, by=c("Sex", "Relevance", "Condition"), newdata = "marginalmeans", re.form=NA) |> |> 
  marginaleffects::predictions(m_valence, by=c("Sex", "Relevance", "Condition"), newdata = "marginalmeans", re.form=NA) |> |> 

stars1 <- data.frame(label=c("***", "***", "*", "***"), 
                    Sex=fct_relevel(c("Male", "Male", "Male", "Male"), "Male"), 
                    Relevance=c("Relevant", "Relevant", "Non-erotic", "Relevant"), 
                    Outcome=c("Arousal", "Enticement", "Enticement", "Valence"),
                    y=c(0.75, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8))

p1 <- pred1 |>
  mutate(Sex = fct_relevel(Sex, "Male", "Female")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=Relevance, y=estimate)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="darkgrey") +
  geom_line(aes(group=Condition, color=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2), alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.2) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax=conf.high, color=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2), size=0.2) +
  geom_text(data=stars1, aes(y=y, label=label), hjust=0.5, size=3) +
  geom_rect(data=data.frame(Type="All trials", estimate=0.1, Sex=as.factor("Male"), Outcome="Arousal", Relevance="Relevant"), 
            aes(xmin=0.8, xmax=1.2, ymin=0.5, ymax=0.80), color="#8BC34A", alpha=0) +
  geom_rect(data=data.frame(Type="All trials", estimate=0.1, Sex=as.factor("Female"), Outcome="Arousal", Relevance="Relevant"), 
            aes(xmin=0.8, xmax=1.2, ymin=0.2, ymax=0.5), color="#8BC34A", alpha=0) +
  facet_grid(Outcome~Sex, switch="y") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 1), labels=scales::percent) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("AI-Generated"="#2196F3", "Photograph"="#F44336")) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
        strip.placement = "outside",
        strip.background.x = element_rect(fill=c("lightgrey"), color=NA),
        strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
        strip.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=25, hjust=1, vjust=1.1, size=9, color="black"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
        legend.position = ) +
  labs(color="Images presented as:",
       tag = "A")

m1 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Condition + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, Relevance=="Relevant"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))
m2 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Condition + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, Relevance=="Relevant", ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))
m3 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / Condition  + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, Relevance=="Relevant", ConditionBelief == "True", Feedback_AILessArousing=="True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

stars2 <- data.frame(label=c("***", "***", "***", "***", "*"), 
                    Sex=fct_relevel(c("Male", "Male", "Male", "Female", "Female"), 
                                    "Male", "Female"), 
                    Type=c("All trials", "Believed trials", "'AI was less arousing'", "Believed trials", "'AI was less arousing'"), 
                    y=c(0.76, 0.76, 0.76, 0.45, 0.45))

pred2 <- rbind(
  estimate_relation(m1) |> 
    mutate(Type = "All trials"),
  estimate_relation(m2) |> 
    mutate(Type = "Believed trials"),
  estimate_relation(m3) |> 
    mutate(Type = "'AI was less arousing'")

p2 <- pred2 |> 
  mutate(Type = fct_relevel(Type, "All trials", "Believed trials", "'AI was less arousing'")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=Type, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="darkgrey") +
  geom_line(aes(group=Condition, color=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2), alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.1) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2), width=0.2, alpha=0.6) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = CI_low, ymax=CI_high, color=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2), size=0.2) +
  geom_rect(data=data.frame(Type="All trials", Predicted=0.1, Sex=as.factor("Male")), 
            aes(xmin=0.7, xmax=1.3, ymin=0.55, ymax=0.7), color="#8BC34A", alpha=0) +
  geom_rect(data=data.frame(Type="All trials", Predicted=0.1, Sex=as.factor("Female")), 
            aes(xmin=0.7, xmax=1.3, ymin=0.25, ymax=0.4), color="#8BC34A", alpha=0) +
  geom_text(data=stars2, aes(y=y, label=label), hjust=0.5, size=3) +
  facet_grid(~Sex) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::percent) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("AI-Generated"="#2196F3", "Photograph"="#F44336")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("AI-Generated"="#2196F3", "Photograph"="#F44336")) +
       tag = "B") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=25, hjust=1, vjust=1.1, size=9),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10),
        strip.placement = "outside",
        strip.background.x = element_rect(fill=c("lightgrey"), color=NA),
        strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
        legend.position = "none")

p1 | p2

m6 <- glm(Feedback_AILessArousing ~ Sex / BAIT_Visual, 
    data=mutate(dfsub, Feedback_AILessArousing = ifelse(Feedback_AILessArousing=="True", 1, 0)), 

Parameter Log-Odds SE 95% CI z p
(Intercept) -0.84 1.02 (-2.92, 1.12) -0.82 0.412
Sex (Male) 0.44 1.20 (-1.89, 2.84) 0.36 0.716
Sex (Female) × BAIT Visual -2.11 1.53 (-5.14, 0.88) -1.39 0.166
Sex (Male) × BAIT Visual -2.70 0.98 (-4.66, -0.79) -2.74 0.006
pred3 <- estimate_relation(m6, length=50) 

p3 <- pred3 |> 
  mutate(Sex = fct_relevel(Sex, "Male", "Female")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=BAIT_Visual, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="darkgrey") +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=CI_low, ymax=CI_high), alpha=0.3) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_text(data=data.frame(Sex = as.factor("Male")), aes(x=0.65, y=0.25), label="**") +
  facet_grid(~Sex) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::percent, expand=c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)) +
  labs(y = "\nProbability of 'AI was less arousing' Feedback\n",
       x = "\nBeliefs about Artificial Information Technology (BAIT)\n'AI algorithms can generate realistic images'",
       tag = "C") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(strip.text = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10))

p4 <- patchwork::wrap_plots(p2 / p3 + plot_layout(heights = c(1, 1.6)))
p <- patchwork::wrap_plots(p1 | p4, guides="collect")

ggsave("figures/figure1.png", p, width=10, height=8, dpi=300)
m4 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ SexualActivity / Sex / Condition + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, Relevance=="Relevant", ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))


pred3 <- estimate_relation(m4) 
pred3 |> 
  mutate(xnum = as.numeric(as.factor(SexualActivity))) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=SexualActivity, y=Predicted)) +
  # geom_ribbon(aes(x=xnum, ymin=CI_low, ymax=CI_high, fill=Condition), alpha=0.5) +
  geom_line(aes(group=Condition, color=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = CI_low, ymax=CI_high, color=Condition), position = position_dodge(width=0.2)) +

m5 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(Arousal ~ Sex / (Condition * GAAIS_Negative) + (Condition | Participant) + (1|Item),
                      data=filter(df, Relevance=="Relevant", ConditionBelief == "True"), 
                      control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(parallel = 8))

pred4 <- estimate_relation(m5, length=30) 
pred4 |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=GAAIS_Negative, y=Predicted)) +
  geom_line(aes(group=Condition, color=Condition)) +