One Python code line for a Mandelbrot fractal
Create a Mandelbrot or Buddhabrot fractal in Python using NeuroKit.

Mandelbrot Set
I wrote a small Python function to easily generate and plot a Mandelbrot set. This function is now available through the NeuroKit2 package, and can be used as follows:
import neurokit2 as nk
The Mandelbrot set is defined in the between -2
and 2
on the x (real) and y (imaginary) axes. Following that, the image can be cropped accodingly by changing the coordinates. Moreover, the colors can be tweaked by changing the the colormap (cmap
m = nk.fractal_mandelbrot(real_range=(-2, 0.75), imaginary_range=(-1.25, 1.25))
plt.imshow(m.T, cmap="viridis")
Buddhabrot Set
It is also possible to generate a Buddhabrot:
b = nk.fractal_mandelbrot(size=1500,
real_range=(-2, 0.75), imaginary_range=(-1.25, 1.25),
buddha=True, iterations=200)
plt.imshow(b.T, cmap="gray")
Added the option to return a so-called 'Buddhabrot'🧘 Amazing to see these shapes emerging from such a simple formula 🤯 #fractalart
— Dominique Makowski 🧙 (@Dom_Makowski) May 7, 2020
Althoug the NeuroKit Python package is primarily devoted at physiological signal processing, in also includes tons of other useful features.
👉 Discover more about NeuroKit here 👈
Have fun!
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