Join the team!

  • Postdoc

    Getting your own Postdoc Funding Flexible University of Sussex, Brighton, UK If you’re a recent PhD graduate (or soon to be), you could consider applying for a postdoc fellowship to join the lab on your own terms, and develop your own research project.

  • PhD

    Flexible University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Open Opportunities Deadline in early 2025 (TO BE CONFIRMED): Sussex Neuroscience 3+1 PhD Program Fully funded for local and international students You don’t need to chose a supervisor before applying.

  • Research Assistant

    Flexible University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Working as a research assistant (RA) is a formidable opportunity to take on before - eventually - signing up for a PhD. It is a flexible and varied position, and a perfect position to develop key research skills like writing, data analysis or neuroimaging; and eventually later pursue a postgraduate program in psychology/neuroscience/neuropsychology.

  • Internship

    Flexible University of Sussex, Brighton, UK If you are a undergrad student, doing a voluntary internship can be a good idea to get some first exposure with research, develop some useful skills and start growing your professional network.

  • Research Projects

    Flexible University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Projects Research in the Reality Bending Lab focuses primarily on the physiological and neurocognitive underpinnings of reality perception and aspects of reality bending (e.

  • Companion

    Flexible Anywhere During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, becoming a master craftsman or artist required to undertake a long journey that would bring the novice to gain the rank of master through “companionship”.